Mount Wellington Mine
Renewable Energy Business Park
Mount Wellington Mine Ltd
1 The Dry
Mount Wellington Mine
1 Acre Yard to Lease (22 March 2016)
St Piran's Day Photos (8 March 2016)

Photo credits: Roy Morton, CRAC
The day went well with over 80 contacts mostly throughout Europe and only three or four GB contacts, the furthest of which was Newcastle-under-Lyme.
European contacts were very strong from Spain and Italy with two very strong stations in Rome.
Overall reception on the bands was a little noisy due to weather conditions around Biscay, so static was high.
The Mt Wellington site was very quiet electrically, making it an ideal place to operate from.
At 10:53 a few of us were monitoring the 2 Metre band with a view to hearing Tim Peake on the International Space Station in conversation with a school on France. We could hear the down link very well indeed, but the ground station in France was out of range. The pass lasted about 7 minutes before the signal rapidly grew too weak to hear.
A successful day by all accounts
-Roy Morton, Cornish Radio Amateur Club (CRAC)
St Piran's Day Amature Radio Broadcast (5 March 2016)
Press Release
Date: 25 February 2016
Mount Wellington Mine Celebrates St Piran’s Day with Amateur Radio Broadcast
Celebration of Cornish Mining Landmark
On St Piran’s day, Saturday the 5th March 2016, the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, or CRAC for short, will be making a special one-time-only broadcast at Mount Wellington Mine. The club has obtained a Special Events Station Licence to activate the use of the Cornish Mine as an amateur radio station.
CRAC will use a special 'K' locator in the call sign, which has been licensed to Cornish stations by OFFCOM for only 1 year. The station will use a HF (high frequency) set-up, which will broadcast to UK and foreign amateur radio (ham) users and a VHF set-up, to cover local users as far as north Devon.
The call sign for the club is GX4CRC and can be Googled for more information.
Fitting Tribute
“It seems a rather fitting tribute to transmit from a Cornish Mine on the day that celebrates the landing of St Piran on the shores of Cornwall, and his claimed subsequent discovery of tin the same day” said Mount Wellington Mine’s owner, Richard Freeborn. “As far as we can ascertain, this will be the first time a special event radio station will ever have operated from a Cornish mine. The idea was suggested last year by the late president of CRAC, Norman Pascoe, who passed away in February this year, who would no doubt be thrilled to have known that his idea has come to fruition”.
The station has been licensed to operate from 09:00 to 16:00 and will consist of up to 8 radio operators.